
Thursday, March 26, 2009


Not every job or even every assignment is challenging and rewarding. Some, by their very nature, are repetitive and boring. In years past, many people were content and even thrived in highly-structured positions doing repetitive tasks. Today’s employees are looking for organizations that make jobs interesting, satisfying, and even exciting. Simply doing what’s asked and drawing a paycheck, in many cases, no longer causes job satisfaction.
Job enrichment must be looked at not as a project or a one-time effort of improvement. It is something that must be built into the entire organization as a continuous process. It is something that is initiated and maintained by management to keep employees interested and fully utilize their talents. Job enrichment is making the job more valuable to the employee and the employee more valuable to the company.

Many who have worked in the same position a number of years experience what is called “burnout.” They’ve solved the same problems and done the same things so many times it not only has become routine, it has become boring. Rotating that individual to another assignment or position may allow the individual to become re-excited and re-energized. This doesn’t mean simply moving employees from one location to the other. A planned program of allowing individuals to rotate to another position either on a temporary or permanent basis has benefits for all. Employees will not only learn the importance of other positions and develop an appreciation for the needs of other departments, they will also develop valuable skills.

Do you feel like your employer is under utilizing your skills? Do you dread going into work because your job has become mundane and unchallenging?

If so, in the next two months, Outlaw Group, Inc. will be holding a FREE workshop for unemployed and UNDER-employed people. We will be offering advice on now only how to find jobs, but also how to find the right job for you. We hope to see you there!

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