
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Free Workshop for the Unemployed and Under-employed of South Carolina

Today's news told a horrifying story of the current economic situation in South Carolina. The unemployment rate has reached 11%--the highest since the 1980's. Add in the number of South Carolinians that are UNDER employed in their jobs, we have a critical situation here.

After viewing some comments on LinkedIN by Citadel Grads stating what a difficult time they were having in finding employment, I knew I had to help. As a way of helping the community, my company (with sponsorship by many local companies) is holding a free workshop for unemployed and UNDER-employed individuals in the Charleston area. We are calling the workshop the True Success Workshop and hope to hold it the week of the 20th of April. The workshop will focus on such things as:
  • Do you want a job or a career?
  • Realistically assessing your strengths and attributes for a job
  • Are you sabotaging your career?

I will also be offering advice for individuals wishing to start their own companies or desire Career Coaching to excel in any field.

We would like feedback to know what concerns you at this time. Please forward all emails to and she will compile these for me to address at the Workshop. Please keep checking back for dates, times, and location. Also, we will be taking excerpts from the Career Search Workbook so you may want to purchase it prior to the workshop (but this is not necessary).

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