
Monday, March 23, 2009

Inside Hiring Strategy

Our clients tell us the greatest hiring problem is a lack of ample candidate flow. When there are not enough candidates, compromises on standards and qualifications can result in a hiring decision which will be regretted later.

Today, organizations must be proactive in identifying and hiring good people. The best candidates tend to be those who are busy doing their jobs. In other words, they are employed and not looking for a job.

The most reliable and best source of candidates is employee referrals. Simply asking employees if they know of someone looking for a job is not enough. An effective employee referral program must be designed and implemented to tap the hidden pool of candidates. Communicating to employees exactly what you are looking for by defining the hiring criteria is key. Also let employees know that if the candidate does not work out it is not a reflection on them. They are not endorsing or recommending the candidate, simply referring them.

Rewarding employees for referrals produces results. The best reward is a bonus, with half being paid when the individual reports to work and the other half being reserved to be paid at a later date, such as ninety days or six months. This automatically creates a “big brother” or “big sister” for the new employee to assist in acclimating to the new company.

As an applicant, understand the process of hiring. Use your network of friends and associates to get inside the company you wish to work for. Find the right contacts and use them!

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