
Thursday, April 30, 2009

True Success

The True Success™ Workshop was a huge success! The diverse group we met with came from all career backgrounds and were all in varying places on their career journey. Through speaking with them, we were given more insight as to the dilemmas facing the unemployed and UNDERemployed people of our community.

One comment we heard the most didn't deal with employment status, but instead, career satisfaction. Everyone at the Workshop stated that they have felt "under-utilized", "unsatisfied", or "unfulfilled" in their careers. They dared to dream outside of the box during the workshop and several people are now venturing forward to find the career that they want. By creating a new list of career criteria they now felt more "empowered" in their career journey.

One conclusion we came to was that we needed to provide additional resources for your use, so we are in the process of compiling these and will be adding a page to our website shortly. If there is anything that you would like to request, please email us at

Dare to Dream!

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