
Monday, April 13, 2009

Search Parameters

You must look at your Search for a new job as a journey of self-discovery. As with any journey, you must set objectives and boundaries of where you would like the destination to be within. It is very important to sit down and examine yourself, your career, and your personal situation to determine your Search Parameters. Make sure your responses are reasonable and realistic, based on your particular circumstances. Only you can set your Search Parameters. However, it is essential that you set them correctly and in a way that is comfortable to you.

The parameters you set in such factors as location, income, industry, and job content will determine the areas to focus your efforts on, as well as the time and difficulty of your Search. If your parameters are too general or unclear, you will spend time and effort pursuing situations you would not find acceptable in the end. This will result in a waste of time and effort and could cause you to become discouraged. If your Search Parameters are too narrow or unrealistic, you may become discouraged because few of the situations you uncover fit your criteria.

It is essential in the beginning to develop a realistic and reasonable set of Search Parameters based on your own goals and values. Now let's begin an introspective analysis of what you want in a career. Any journey begins with the first step so begin now.

To set your Search Parameters, you must examine the industries, your ideal job, and your ideal company; then you can formulate your responses into your Search Parameters. After completing the Search Parameters, you might want to review them with a significant person in your life.

You may not be able to achieve everything you want, so it is important to rank your priorities in making this important decision. This will allow you to be more objective if you must make tough choices later.

(Excerpt from Career Search Workbook by Wayne Outlaw, called the "Staffing Expert" by the Wall Street Journal). Buy it here

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