
Monday, April 6, 2009

Success in the Future

Two-thirds of the head of households and eighty-five percent in the eighteen to thirty-four age group wish they could “simplify their lives.” Only thirty-nine percent of those surveyed felt that new technology, such as cellular phones, personal computers, and fax machines, made their life simpler. Sixteen percent felt it made it more complicated, based on research by the Princeton Survey Research Associates for A T & T.

Technology will not manage a business or life. The individual is the only one who can identify priorities, clarify vision, and focus on what is truly important. In our lives each of us must battle the intrusion of more information and greater demands. If you think you are drowning in a “sea of information,” you’re not alone. The increase in mail, phone calls, and especially e-mail, is occurring at a geometric rate.

Yet, we use technology to find work or to explore other work options. We surf the cosmos known as the Internet to find jobs, information about new careers, and possible contacts. Websites like Twitter, Facebook, and Craigslist are quickly replacing Monster and Careerbuilder as the sites people visit to find employment.

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